Sour Apple Ginger Elixir

sour apple ginger elixir.JPG

This recipe was originally posted on, June 19 2012.

* A note: Keep in mind that a green juice will not taste like store bought  that the food industry has made such a staple. Savour the body and flavour of a whole food juice, and your body will thank you!

- Varya

YIELD: 4-5 servings (in martini glass measures - *Blush* I like to enjoy my healthy drinks in a pretty glass)

TIME: 10-15min


1 medium bunch organic kale

1/4-1/2 small bunch organic Italian parsley

2 organic lemons

2 large organic or locally picked green "sour" apples

4 inches organic ginger, peeled

Tasty option: 2 large organic carrots

Other: Cheesecloth, large bowl, small pitcher, blender


1. Wash, peel, and lightly chop all ingredients (this relates to carrots/apples/lemon in particular).

2. Place all ingredients in the blender with a 1/4 c of water. If you have a smaller blender, you may have to do this in two installments.

3. Cut cheesecloth into a large rectangle so that the sides drape comfortably over your large bowl.

3. Spoon blended ingredients into cheesecloth (again you may have to do this in two installments), and once filled, fold cheesecloth up so that ingredients are confined.

4. Squeeze out the juice much as you would with a tube of icing. This is the fun part! Be thorough.

5. ENJOY in a pretty class with a slice of apple on the side. Your liver, kidneys, and intestines thank you!

5. Wash cheesecloth to re-use if you're weird like me.

6. If you have a juicer at home, please feel free to use it with the ingredients indicated above. YUM!!!!